Top Machine Learning Conferences of 2018/201930 min read
Machine learning, deep learning and artificial intelligence are some of the fastest growing and most exciting sectors for data scientists and engineers to work in today.
In fact, according to LinkedIn’s 2017 U.S. Emerging Jobs Report, jobs with the most growth potential are tech-focused. Machine learning engineer, data scientist and big data engineers ranked among the top emerging jobs.
Working in this flourishing space of artificial intelligence and machine learning, you probably already realize the importance of continued learning and connections. As the AI industry advances, you can quickly get left behind if you don’t keep yourself on the frontline of the latest news, innovation and changes.
Attending a conference focused on the latest in AI and machine learning is an effective way to gain access to emerging industry trends and advancing technology.
Conferences may require a substantial investment – not only financial, but also time and mental energy. Though it can be challenging to quantify specific return on investment, most agree that training and education should play an consistent part within one’s career.
Machine learning conferences can provide numerous benefits for attendees, including:
- Improving your knowledge
- Amplifying your network and potential partnership opportunities
- Sparking an action plan of skills to improve upon or new strategies to implement
- Offering unique insights from presenters who are experts in the space
The problem arises when you need to make a decision about which conference to attend. With such quickly evolving topics as found in machine learning, dozens – if not hundreds – of conferences and events are emerging all over the world, each with a different niche or a unique audience to serve.
So how do you determine the AI conference that will be the best fit for your experience and desired learning?
At Singularity Search, we’ve researched and curated the top conferences to attend in the artificial intelligence industry so you can decide which experience will provide you with the greatest ROI and education.
The best AI conferences of 2018 and 2019 are listed below in no particular order…
ReWork Deep Learning Summits
Date: May 24-25, 2018. Location: Boston
Date: June 28-29, 2018. Location: San Francisco
Date: October 25-26, 2018. Location: Toronto
Date: January 24-25, 2019. Location: San Francisco
Cost: $495-$1,895 USD (U.S.)/ C$695-$1,795 (Toronto)
About: The Deep Learning Summit is the next revolution in artificial intelligence. The increasingly popular branch of machine learning explores advances in methods such as image analysis, speech and pattern recognition, natural language processing and neural network research. This summit will explore the latest research advancements and news from global pioneers in the field.
Speakers/topics: Speakers can be viewed at ReWork’s website and will cover topics including…
- Computing Systems
- Neural Networks
- Deep Learning Algorithms
- Robotics
- Speech and Pattern Recognition
- Image Retrieval
Twitter handle/hashtag: @teamReWork, #REWORKDL
Website: https://www.re-work.co/events
LDV Vision Summit
Date: May 23-24, 2018
Location: New York City
Cost: $675 regular, $845 Last minute (through May 24), $1,000 at the door
About: Visual Technologies leveraging computer vision, machine learning and artificial intelligence are revolutionizing how humans communicate and do business. LDV Vision is interactive two-day summit that will discuss these trends and technologies with the world’s brightest technology innovators educating attendees about how their visions will transform visual communication and boost or disrupt the business world.
- Enabling Persistent Augmented Reality Experiences on Mobile Devices – Krishnan Ramnath, Facebook
- The Rebirth of Medical Imaging – Daniel Sodickson, NYU School of Medicine
- Advancing Precision Medicine Through Artificial Intelligence and Facial Analysis – Moti Shniberg, FDNA
- Camera Media May Be Bigger Than TV – Allison Wood, CameraIQ
- Nanochemistry Delivers UV Sensors for Precision Medicine – Emmanuel Dumont, Shade
- Measuring Audience Attention Via Computer Vision & Deep Learning – Inderbir Sidhu, TVision Insights
- Retail Brain Using All Synthetic Data And Going After Amazon Go – Ying Zheng, AiFi
- Synthetic data will help computer vision make the jump to the real world – Josh Tobin, OpenAI
- Racing To Build Safe, Reliable and Scalable LiDAR Technology For Autonomous Vehicles & Beyond – Jason Eichenholz, Luminar Technologies
- Synthetic Data And A Token-Based Marketplace For AI Model Development – Yashar Behzadi, Neuromation
Twitter handle/hashtag: @LDVVisionSummit, #LDVVision
Website: http://www.ldv.co/visionsummit
Predictive Analytics World
Date: June 3-7, 2018
Location: Las Vegas
Cost: $1,695-$4,145
About: Predictive Analytics World is the premier cross-vendor conference for machine learning and predictive analytics professionals, managers and commercial practitioners. This conference delivers case studies, expertise and resources to achieve bigger wins, broader capabilities and big data. Predictive Analytics World delivers sessions across verticals such as banking, financial services, e-commerce, entertainment, government, healthcare, manufacturing, high technology, insurance, nonprofits, publishing and retail.
- Big Data: Proven Methods You Need to Extract Big Value – Marc Smith, Action Consulting Group
- The Best of Predictive Analytics: Core Machine Learning and Data Science Techniques – John Elder, Elder Research
- R for Machine Learning – Max Kuhn, RStudio
- The Advanced Data Preparation Bootcamp: Whip your Data into Shape – Dean Abbott, smarterHQ
- Deep Learning in Practice – James McCaffrey, Microsoft senior scientist engineer, and Rick Loynd, Microsoft deep reinforcement learning research group
- The Deadly Doze: Top 12 Analystics Mistakes and the Techniques to Defeat Them – John Elder, Elder Research
- Uplift Models: Optimizing the Impact of your Marketing – Kim Larsen, Uber
- Supercharging Prediction with Ensemble Models – Dean Abbott, smarterHQ
- Spark on Hadoop for Machine Learning – James Casaletto, MapR Technologies
Twitter handle/hashtag: @pawcon, #pawcon
Website: https://www.predictiveanalyticsworld.com/business/2018/
Spark+AI Summit
Date: June 4-6
Location: San Francisco CA
Cost: $1,275-$1,875
About: Data and AI need to be unified: the best AI applications require massive amounts of constantly updated training data to build state-of-the-art models. Apache Spark has been the only unified analytics engine that combines large-scale data processing with the execution of state-of-the-art machine learning and AI algorithms. The sessions and training at this conference will cover great data engineering and data science content along with best practices for productionizing AI: keeping training data fresh with stream processing, monitoring quality, testing, and serving models at massive scale. Deep dive sessions will be held on popular software frameworks, such as TensorFlow, SciKit-Learn, Keras, PyTorch, DeepLearning4J, BigDL, and Deep Learning Pipelines. With Spark + AI topics together, this conference is the unique “one-stop shop” for developers, data scientists, and tech-executives to learn how to practically apply the best tools in data and AI to build innovative products.
Speakers/topics: Dominique Brezinski, Apple; Matei Zaharia, Databricks; Reynold Xin, Databricks; Dawn Song, UC Berkeley; Ali Ghodsi, Databricks; Rohan Kumar, Microsoft; Michael Armbrust (Databricks), Andrej Karpathy, Tesla; Jonathan Gole, Capital One; Dr. Jeff Reid, Regeneron Genetics Center; Marc Andreesen, Andreesen Horowitz; Michael I. Jordan, UC Berkeley; Chris Robison, Overstock.com
Twitter handle/hashtag: @SparkAISummit, #SparkAISummit
Website: https://databricks.com/sparkaisummit/north-america
Robotics and AI Summit
Date: June 18-19, 2018
Location: Boston
Cost: $895-$1,299
About: Technology is defining winners and losers in the competitiveness global economy and every organization has an urgent need to understand and harness the potential of these technologies. Attend the Robotics & AI Summit to prepare yourself and your organization for the future.
- Global Landscape: AI and Robotics in China
- Smart Manufacturing & Robotics
- The State of AI in the Enterprise
- Machine Learning
- ROI Strategies
- How the Convergence of AI, Robotics, and Industry 4.0 Will Revolutionize Manufacturing?
- Robots and Drones for the Next Generation of E-Commerce
- Reprogramming Today’s Workforce for Tomorrow’s Technologies
- In Depth Case Studies on: Piece Picking, Roll Out Strategies and Collaborative Robots
- Making the Case for Mobile Robots in you Organization
- Data is the New Oil for Business: Sensors, AI and Big Data Analytics
- AI is Speeding ROI: How AI is Making Robots Smarter
- Artificial Intelligence: Can you Gain a Competitive Advantage?
Twitter handle/hashtag: @roboticbusiness, #RoboticsAISummit
Website: https://www.robobusiness.com/robotics-and-ai-summit
Date: August 21-22, 2018
Location: Mill Valley CA
Cost: $745 – $1,495
About: The AI event for data-driven marketers leveraging AI and analytics for growth. TRANSFORM (formerly known as MobileBeat) is an intimate gathering bringing together director-and-above execs from the most innovative brands. Transform is intended for executives in marketing, product management, or growth engineering who are intent on using data and AI for significant growth.
- How to navigate the big trends of cloud, big data and AI to get a leap in your marketing organization today.
- Marketers have discovered direct access to customers; now they need to leverage insights to price, package, position and build products based on preferences.
- What’s your social strategy, now that AI has improved personalization?
- How Gen Z Millennials are changing the game with their $44 billion in buying power, and new approaches to social consciousness and value.
- How to interact with consumers that rely less on mobile, and more on voice and audio.
- How humans are still making a difference, even as AI changes the game: Supercharge your organization by hiring the right people that can harness what AI, data and personalization offer.
Twitter handle/hashtag: N/A
Website: http://vbevents.venturebeat.com/mobilebeat2018
TDWI Anaheim
Date: August 5-10, 2018
Location: Anaheim CA
Cost: $1,460-$4,560
About: Dive into the future of data and analytics at TDWI Anaheim. This conference covers topics in data and indispensable analytics know-how. Learn to enable rapid scalability and elasticity, manage users and data security, democratize your analytics efforts, and innovate with machine learning and AI.
Speakers/topics: Four core learning tracks include…
- Data Infrastructure & Technologies
- Modern Data Management
- Machine Learning & Advanced Analytics
- Data Strategy & Leadership
Twitter handle/hashtag: @TDWI
Website: https://tdwi.org/events/conferences/anaheim.aspx
Singularity University Global Summit
Date: August 20-22, 2018
Location: San Francisco, CA
Cost: $1,995-$9,995
About: Singularity University Global Summit offers the definitive gathering on exponential technologies and the impact they’ll have on our future. Learn how emerging technologies are redefining business, society and humanity.
Speakers/topics: Peter Diamandis, Singularity University; Idriss Aberkane, author/entrepreneur; Marco Annunziata, General Electric; Naveen Jain, Viome; Sierra Campbell, NurtureCo; Danica Remy, B612; and more.
Twitter handle/hashtag: @su_globalsummit, #GSummit
Website: https://su.org/summits/su-global-summit
Strata Data Conference
Date: Sept 11-14, 2018. Location: New York
Date: March 25-28, 2019. Location: San Francisco
Cost: TBA
About: Every year, thousands of top data scientists, analysts, engineers, and executives converge at Strata Data Conference to dissect case studies, develop new skills through in-depth tutorials, share emerging best practices in data science, and imagine the future. Formerly known as Strata + Hadoop World, the conference was created in 2012, when O’Reilly and Cloudera brought together their two successful big data conferences. Packed with executive briefings, industry case studies, and the latest in data engineering, architecture, and machine learning, participants will learn to drive business results with data. Conference sessions and tracks reflect the challenges that have emerged in the data field—including security, ubiquitous computing, collaboration, reproducibility, new interfaces, emerging architecture, building data teams and machine data.
Speakers/topics: TBA
Twitter handle/hashtag: @strataconf, #StrataData
Website: https://conferences.oreilly.com/strata/strata-ny
Artificial Intelligence Conference
Date: September 4-7, 2018
Location: San Francisco
Cost: TBA
About: Presented by O’Reilly and Intel AI, the Artificial Intelligence Conference brings together technology and business to explore opportunities in applied AI. It’s a deep dive into emerging AI techniques and technologies with a focus on how to use it in real-world implementations. Attendees will dissect case studies, delve into the latest research, learn how to implement AI in your projects, share emerging best practices in intelligence engineering and applications, uncover AI’s limitations and untapped opportunities and anticipate how AI will change the business landscape.
Speakers/topics: TBA
Twitter handle/hashtag: @TheAIConf, #TheAIConf
Website: https://conferences.oreilly.com/artificial-intelligence/ai-ca
The AI Summit
Date: Sept 19-20, 2018
Location: San Francisco
Cost: $1,099 (early bird)/ $1,999 (full price)
About: The AI Summit 2018 is a world-class festival highlighting innovation, excellence and critical thinking on AI for business. The AI Summit is the world’s first and largest conference & exhibition to look at the practical implications of AI for enterprise organizations, the actual solutions that are transforming business productivity. Acclaimed speakers share a platform that highlights both AI business strategy and technical know-how in a comprehensive agenda that goes beyond the mundane and into deep, actionable insights.
Speakers/topics: Carey Kolaja, Citi; Stuart McGuigan, Johnson and Johnson; Clay Johnson, Walmart; Gail Evans, Mercer; Atif Rafiq, Volvo; Steve Chien, NASA/JPL; Kris Miller, eBay; Stephen Stine, AT&T; Manu Bharwaj, Visa; Dr. Vanja Josifovski, Pinterest; Nick Caldwell, Reddit; Deepak, Agarwal, LinkedIn; Professor Zoubin Ghahramani, Uber; and more.
Twitter handle/hashtag: @Business_AI, #AISummit
Website: https://theaisummit.com/sanfrancisco
Date: October 15-17, 2018
Location: Boston
Cost: TBA
About: PAPIs is the 1st series of international conferences dedicated to real-world Machine Learning applications, and the innovations, techniques and tools that power them. PAPIs is community-driven: anyone can submit talk proposals (blind-reviewed by their committee) or ask questions to take discussions further.
Speakers/topics: TBA
Twitter handle/hashtag: @papisdotio, #papisio
Website: https://www.papis.io
Date: Oct 31- Nov. 3
Location: San Francisco
Cost: $299-$1229 (early bird)/ $1196-$4916 (door price). Use code ODSC20 for 20% off.
About: ODSC West 2018 is one of the largest applied data science conferences in the world with speakers that include some of the core contributors to many open source tools, libraries, and languages. Attendees at ODSC West 2018 will learn the latest AI & data science topics, tools, and languages from some of the best and brightest minds in the field.
Speakers/topics: Focus areas include…
- Machine Learning
- Predictive Analytics
- Natural Language Processing
- Data Visualization
- AI Research
- Data Science Management and Data Science Workflows
Twitter handle/hashtag: @odsc, #ODSC
Website: https://odsc.com/california
AI Expo North America
Date: November 28-29, 2018
Location: Santa Clara CA
Cost: $149-$1499
About: The AI Expo North America, the leading Artificial Intelligence Conference and Exhibition will showcase next generation technologies and strategies from the world of Artificial Intelligence, providing an opportunity to explore and discover the practical and successful implementation of AI to drive your business forward. The AI Expo is hosted alongside the IoT Tech Expo, the largest global gathering for the Internet of Things sector and the Blockchain Expo. The entire event will provide insightful content covering the whole ecosystem surrounding AI, IoT and Blockchain.
Speakers/topics: Topics covered include…
- Artificial Intelligence
- Deep Learning
- Business Intelligence
- Big Data & Analytics
- Chatbots
- Virtual Assistants
Twitter handle/hashtag: @ai_expo, @AIExpo
Website: https://www.ai-expo.net/northamerica
AI World Conference and Expo
Date: December 3-5, 2018
Location: Boston
Cost: TBA (registration opens May 15)
About: AI World Conference and Expo is focused on the state of the practice of artificial intelligence in the enterprise. The three-day conference is designed for business and technology executives who want to learn about innovative implementations of AI in the enterprise. Attendees learn how advanced intelligent technologies are being successfully deployed to build competitive advantage, drive new business opportunities, reduce costs and accelerate innovation efforts.
Speakers/topics: The conference program features…
- AI World Executive Summit
- Digital Assistants and Bots Workshop
- Machine Learning and Deep Learning in the Enterprise Seminar
- AI in Healthcare Summit
- AI World Pharma Summit
- Cognitive Computing Conference
- AI and RT IoT Workshop
- Cognitive Aware Robotics
- Big Data to AI
- State of AI Research
Twitter handle/hashtag: @AIWorldExpo, #AIWorld
Website: https://aiworld.com
The AI Summit New York
Date: Dec. 5-6
Location: New York
Cost: $999-$1999
About: The AI Summit 2018 is a world-class festival highlighting innovation, excellence and critical thinking on AI for business. The AI Summit is the world’s first and largest conference & exhibition to look at the practical implications of AI for enterprise organizations, the actual solutions that are transforming business productivity. Acclaimed speakers share a platform that highlights both AI business strategy and technical know-how in a comprehensive agenda that goes beyond the mundane and into deep, actionable insights.
- The Future of AI in Banking – Haifeng Li, Bank of America
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning into Machine/Deep Learning – Mike Duke, Wells Fargo
- Enterprise AI: Is Your Infrastructure Ready? – Bob Picciano, IBM
- Putting AI to Work – Sanjay Srivastava, GenPact
- Maximizing the Utility of Machine Learning for Internal Recruitment – Mike Clementi, Unilever
- Embedding Machine Intelligence Within Management Principles and Strategy – Chandler Wilson, Walmart
- Machine Learning for Specialized Content Creation – Nizan Mekel Bobrov, Hearst
- Using AI to Drive In-Flight Personalization – Brian Gross, Aero Mexico
- Marketing in the Age of Assistance – Michael Burke, Google
- Machine Learning for Digital Creativity – Scott Prevost, Adobe
- And more
Twitter handle/hashtag: @Business_AI, #AISummit
Website: https://theaisummit.com/newyork
The AI Summit New York
Date: Dec. 5-6
Location: New York
Cost: $999-$1999
About: The AI Summit 2018 is a world-class festival highlighting innovation, excellence and critical thinking on AI for business. The AI Summit is the world’s first and largest conference & exhibition to look at the practical implications of AI for enterprise organizations, the actual solutions that are transforming business productivity. Acclaimed speakers share a platform that highlights both AI business strategy and technical know-how in a comprehensive agenda that goes beyond the mundane and into deep, actionable insights.
- The Future of AI in Banking – Haifeng Li, Bank of America
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning into Machine/Deep Learning – Mike Duke, Wells Fargo
- Enterprise AI: Is Your Infrastructure Ready? – Bob Picciano, IBM
- Putting AI to Work – Sanjay Srivastava, GenPact
- Maximizing the Utility of Machine Learning for Internal Recruitment – Mike Clementi, Unilever
- Embedding Machine Intelligence Within Management Principles and Strategy – Chandler Wilson, Walmart
- Machine Learning for Specialized Content Creation – Nizan Mekel Bobrov, Hearst
- Using AI to Drive In-Flight Personalization – Brian Gross, Aero Mexico
- Marketing in the Age of Assistance – Michael Burke, Google
- Machine Learning for Digital Creativity – Scott Prevost, Adobe
- And more
Twitter handle/hashtag: @Business_AI, #AISummit
Website: https://theaisummit.com/newyork
Date: June 11-12, 2018
Location: London
Cost: £899 – £2,499
About: CogX 2018 will bring together 4,000 attendees and 300 speakers across five main stages. The event will feature an expanded agenda discussing not only The Impact of AI on Industry, Government and Society, but also the pressing question for executives of How To Get From Lab to Live and at the same time deploy AI responsibly and ethically. CogX will explore how AI intersects with emerging technologies including Blockchain, IoT and 5G telecoms, VR and AR, as well as the future of transportation, health and education.
Speakers/topics: Separate stages will be running with different themes and agendas, including…
- Industry, society and economy
- The cutting edge stage
- Ethics and responsible deployment
- Getting from lab to live
- Blockchain and the centralised future
See all speakers here.
Twitter handle/hashtag: @cognition_x, #CogX18
Website: https://cogx.co
ML Conference
Date: June 18-20, 2018
Location: Munich Germany
Cost: €599 – €1,199
About: Hailed as “the conference for Machine Learning and Innovation,” this conferences gives attendees a comprehensive insight into the principles of Machine Learning and introduces to the world of ML tools, programming languages and technologies. Participants can attend under specific conference tracks, including business and strategy, machine learning tools and principles, and machine learning advanced development.
Speakers/topics: Experienced ML speakers from a solid industry background showcase how to create real value from Artificial Intelligence using the latest technologies such as Tensorflow, Deep Learning toolkits, Chatbots and many more. See all sessions here.
Twitter handle/hashtag: @mlconference, #MLConference
Website: https://mlconference.ai
AI Expo Europe
Date: June 27-28, 2018
Location: Amsterdam Netherlands
Cost: €225 – €1449
About: The AI Expo Europe, Europe’s leading artificial intelligence event, is an opportunity to explore and discover the practical and successful implementation of AI in driving business forward in 2018. This conferences strives to bring together forward-thinking brands, market leaders, AI evangelists and hot start-ups to explore and debate the advancements in Artificial Intelligence and the impacts within the Enterprise & Consumer sectors as well as Development platforms and Digital Transformation opportunities.
Speakers/topics: More than 300 speakers will cover topics on Business Intelligence, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, AI Algorithms, Data & Analytics, Virtual Assistants & Chatbots, as well as case study based presentations proving an insight into the deployment of AI across different verticals.
Keynote Speakers include: Simon Morel, BotSupply; Peter Jackson, Southern Water; Max Amordeluso, Amazon; Dor Kedem, ING; Martine Van Der Lee, KLM; Denis Garagic, BAE Systems; Alex Sierkov, HomeToGo; Julio Peironcely, Schipol Airport; Tom Ollerton, We Are Social; Daniel Gilbert, News UK; Britta Muzyk-Tikovsky, Capscovil.
Twitter handle/hashtag: @ai_expo, #AIExpo
Website: https://www.ai-expo.net/europe
International Conference on Machine Learning
Date: July 10-15, 2018
Location: Stockholm Sweden
Cost: Early bird (before May 31) – $900, Regular – $1170
About: ICML is the leading international machine learning conference and is supported by the International Machine Learning Society.
Speakers/topics: Dawn Song, Max Welling, Josh Tenenbaum, Joyce Chai
Twitter handle/hashtag: N/A
Website: https://icml.cc
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and IoT
Date: August 21-22, 2018
Location: Paris
Cost: $799-$1439
About: Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Internet of Things (IoT) are the latest trending technology in many fields especially in industries like manufacturing, automation, control systems, healthcare, energy, transport, defense, space, data mining and more. AI & IoT 2018 will be a common platform to gain knowledge and share new ideas amongst the Technologist, Professionals, Industrialists, Researchers, Innovators and students from research area of Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Internet of Things. Speakers will share their research experiences and engage in many interactive discussions at the event.
Speakers/topics: Modern Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analysis, Evolutionary Robotics, How Robots Changing Our Life, IoT and Globalization, The Coming Future of AI, Landmarks in the Development of Robotics and more.
Twitter handle/hashtag: @AIIOTConference
Website: https://artificialintelligence-iot.enggconferences.com
IntelliSys 2018
Date: September 6-7, 2018
Location: London
Cost: £400-£600
About: Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys) 2018 will focus on areas of intelligent systems and artificial intelligence (AI) and how it applies to the real world. IntelliSys provides a leading international forum that brings together researchers and practitioners from diverse fields with the purpose of exploring the fundamental roles, interactions as well as practical impacts of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The goal of the conference is to be a premier venue for researchers and industry practitioners to share new ideas, research results and development experiences in various fields.
- Peter J. Bentley – CTO, Braintree Ltd and Honorary Professor, UCL
- Michael Gschwind – Chief Engineer, IBM TJ Watson Research Center
- Hugo Pinto – Managing Director, Accenture Digital
- Lars Kai Hansen – Professor, Head of Section Cognitive Systems, DTU Compute
Twitter handle/hashtag: @SAIConference, #IntelliSys2018
Website: http://saiconference.com/IntelliSys
ODSC Europe
Date: September 19-22, 2018
Location: London
Cost: £349 (early bird Silver) – £2,711 (door price Diamond)
About: Hosted in London, ODSC 2018 is one of the largest applied data science conferences in Europe and offers 12 training sessions, 30 workshops and 200 speakers. Conference speakers include some of the core contributors to many open source tools, libraries, and languages. Attend ODSC Europe 2018 and learn the latest AI & data science topics, tools, and languages from some of the best and brightest minds in the field.
Speakers/topics: Focus areas include…
- Machine Learning
- Predictive Analytics
- Natural Language Processing
- Data Visualization
- AI Research
- Data Science Management and Data Science Workflows
Twitter handle/hashtag: @odsc, #ODSC
Website: https://odsc.com/london
Machina Summit.AI
Date: Oct 3-4, 2018
Location: London
Cost: TBA
About: MACHINA Summit.AI explores how Data Analytics, IoT & Artificial Intelligence are causing major disruption across all industries. This event is for CIOs, CTOs, Data Scientists & Analysts, and Business Leaders who want to transform their business.
Speakers/topics: TBA
Twitter handle/hashtag: @MachinaSummitAI
Website: http://www.machina-london.com
Artificial Intelligence Conference
Date: October 8-11, 2018
Location: London
Cost: TBA
About: Presented by O’Reilly and Intel AI, the Artificial Intelligence Conference brings together technology and business to explore opportunities in applied AI. Learn about the latest in machine and deep learning—from bots and agents to voice and IoT interfaces—and how to implement AI in real-world projects.
Speakers/topics: Key conference topic areas include:
- AI in the enterprise: Executive Briefings, case studies and use cases, industry-specific applications
- The impact of AI on business and society: automation, safety, regulation
- Implementing AI projects: applications, tools, architecture, security
- Interacting with AI: design, metrics, product management, bots
- Models and methods: algorithms, vision/speech/emotion, deep learning, data, training
Twitter handle/hashtag: @TheAIConf, #TheAIConf
Website: https://conferences.oreilly.com/artificial-intelligence/ai-eu
World Summit AI
Date: Oct 10-11, 2018
Location: Amsterdam
Cost: €249 – €999
About: World Summit AI is packed with groundbreaking presentations from across business and science, hot-off-the-press AI announcements, heated panels, lots of lovely tech workshops, coding classes and more. In conjunction with Ada-AI, there is also a focus on #AI4Good to ensure technological methods like deep learning and machine learning are developed in a way that makes the world a better place.
Speakers/topics: Steve Chien, NASA; Francesca Rossi, IBM Research/University of Padova; Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Apple/Carnegie Mellon University; Dr. Patricia Florissi, Dell; Adrien Gaidon, Toyota Research Institute; Anja Kaspersen, United Nations; Mike Reiner, City.AI; Kumardev Chatterjee, Unmanned Life; and more. See full list of speakers here.
Twitter handle/hashtag: @WorldSummitAI, #WSAI18
Website: https://worldsummit.ai
AI and Robotics – the Main Event
Date: October 12, 2018
Location: London
Cost: £234 (academic ticket) – £535 (early bird ends on June 29)
About: The 3rd Annual AI & Robotics Main Event will address the broader strategic issues and explores the transformational impact of AI and robotics across industries and sectors. With a focus on innovation and investment, business growth and profitability, it provides an audit of key development areas. AI & Robotics events are organised by Connect Business Media, a business media organisation with a reputation for creating groundbreaking business events that challenge traditional thinking and overturn established formats.
Speakers/topics: TBA
Twitter handle/hashtag: @roboticsandAI
Website: http://www.air.events/mainevent
Minds Mastering Machines
Date: Oct 15-17, 2018
Location: London
Cost: £600
About: This conference brings together experts in artificial intelligence, machine learning and data science to help architects, developers and CIOs get on the path to a more intelligent future. Minds Mastering Machines shows participants how to use the latest tools and frameworks, how to get your team up and running on AI and ML projects, and what the technological and ethical pitfalls are. It also explores the implications of AI, machine learning, data science and robotics, for society and business.
Speakers/topics: Topics aim to show how rapid progress in frameworks, libraries, and applications as well as the distributed hardware are allowing traditional enterprises and organizations, whether large or small, to access the same tools and techniques as elite academic researchers and Silicon Valley’s webscale players.
Twitter handle/hashtag: N/A
Website: https://www.mcubed.london
Nordic Data Science and Machine Learning Summit
Date: October 17-18, 2018
Location: Stockholm Sweden
Cost: TBA
About: The Nordic Data Science is an annual event bringing together the Data Science Community in the Nordics to share ideas and discuss ways to harness the full potential of Data Science and Machine Learning. The agenda guides participants through the process of extracting knowledge from data by using the latest methodologies, tools and algorithms. The Summit hosts two stages: a data science stage and a machine learning and AI stage.
With domestic and international speakers on stage, workshops, interactive panel discussion and plenty of learning and networking activities in the exhibition area, the Nordic Data Science Summit is the place to be for all professionals and organisations in utilizing data science, machine and deep learning to innovate and improve their business.
- Business practical case studies on Data Science in an Enterprise
- How to handle Real-Time and Streaming Data?
- Trends and upcoming Data Science Technologies
- Scaling Innovation with Online Experimentation and A/B Testing
- Leveraging Machine Learning for gaining Competitive Advantage
- Cutting the edge: an insight into deep learning architecture
- Why it is worth getting started with Spark
- Developing Algorithms and Leveraging AI to Drive Profit, CX and Growth
- How to establish an agile and powerful data science environment using the latest in open source tools?
Twitter handle/hashtag: @DataNordics, #NordicDataScience
Website: http://www.nordicdatasciencesummit.com
Predictive Analytics World
Date: Oct. 17-18
Location: London
Cost: One-day pass from £395 super early bird (through June 1) – £1,945 on site price for Date Driven Business Combo Pass + Workshop
About: Predictive Analytics World is the premier cross-vendor conference for machine learning and predictive analytics professionals, managers and commercial practitioners. This conference delivers case studies, expertise and resources to achieve bigger wins, broader capabilities and big data. Predictive Analytics World delivers sessions across verticals such as banking, financial services, e-commerce, entertainment, government, healthcare, manufacturing, high technology, insurance, nonprofits, publishing and retail.
Speakers/topics: Dr. John Elder, founder of Elder Research, America’s most experience Data Science consultancy; Phil Winters, independent business advisor known as “The Father of Customer Intelligence”
Twitter handle/hashtag: @pawcon, #pawcon
Website: https://predictiveanalyticsworld.co.uk
Talk Robot by Web Summit
Date: November 5-8, 2018
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Cost: €850. Get a 2 for 1 discount code here.
About: The world’s leading AI and robotics conference, TalkRobot congregates for artificial intelligence, robotics and hardware experts, connecting thousands of leading companies, startups, investors, engineers, roboticists and researchers.
Speakers/topics: TBA
Twitter handle/hashtag: @WebSummit, #TalkRobot
Website: https://websummit.com/talk-robot
Big Data Spain
Date: Nov. 13-15
Location: Madrid Spain
Cost: TBA
About: One of the three largest conferences in Europe about Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Technologies and Digital Transformation
Speakers/topics: TBA
Twitter handle/hashtag: @BigDataSpain, #BDS18
Website: https://www.bigdataspain.org
Intelligence Automation Week
Date: November 26-28, 2018
Location: London
Cost: £1,599-£3,499
About: One of the biggest summits in Europe on Robotics Process Automation, Intelligence Automation Week brings together the world decision-makers in process excellence and shared services to collaborate on the direction of Robotics Process Automation and Artificial Intelligence, share best practices, and to discover the strategies, tactics and initiatives industry leaders are already implementing for business success.
- Planning and Implementation: Identify which processes to automate and how your proof of concept can harness digital behavioural change
- Industrialisation: Utilise data analytics with Robotic Process Automation to maximise the opportunities available to you and your customers
- AI & Machine Learning: Drive Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning capabilities to build yourself into an innovative enterprise of the digital world
Twitter handle/hashtag: N/A
Website: https://www.rpaandaisummit.com
Machine Learning and Innovation Summit
Date: November 29
Location: Dublin Ireland
Cost: €595-€995
About: Business are finding ways to use machine learning to streamline processes, operate more efficiently, and better understand customers. By using machine learning they can identify trends and patterns in massive and unstructured datasets that was previously impossible and adjust policy accordingly. This event brings together industry leaders to share how they are transforming business practices and creating innovative new products using machine learning. Learn from case study examples how to optimize business performance, maximize efficiency, understand your customers, and create reactive and personalized products.
Speakers/topics: Speakers can be viewed here.
Twitter handle/hashtag: #MLSummit
Website: https://theinnovationenterprise.com/summits/machine-learning-summit-dublin-2018
Machine learning and AI conferences can be a valuable investment in yourself that may not only help increase your earning capacity but also provide you with the tools, resources and connections to make a bigger impact in the AI industry and your career.